USS Omaha records UFO going into the sea on July 15th 2019

Source Jeremy Corbell
This footage was filmed in the CIC (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15th 2019 in a warning area off San Diego. This footage depicts a UAP event series that reached a crescendo with one of the unknown targets entering the water. No wreckage found. None of the unknown craft were recovered..

* Minimum 14 targets (estimate).
* Minimum 6ft in diameter - solid mass (estimate).
* Varying speeds from 40 kts - 138 kts (46 mph - 158 mph).
* Flight lasting longer than an hour.
* Unknowns were illuminated.
* Unable to discern origin, nor launch or landing points.
* Unknown vehicles picked up on more than two types of RADAR.
* Still images of this footage were included in the May 1st, 2020 UAPTF intelligence briefing that I have previously reported on.
* It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft appeared to be transmedium capable, and were observed descending into the water without destruction.
* It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft could not be found upon entry to the water - that a submarine was used in the search - and recovered nothing.
* This footage is unclassified.
* Craft remain officially - unidentified.
:05 "Took off, bookin' it."
:21 “Break, OMAHA, PINCKNEY, KIDD, RAFAEL PERALTA possibility to launch helo ASAP”.
:28 "If it splashes you get a bearing and range.”
:30 “Yes sir."
:32 "... keep going bro [inaudible]”
:33 [inaudible]
:36 "... it's windy as fuck out there."
:42 "... got a lotta white water out there. Six foot swells."
:43 "Whoa, it's getting close."
:50 "We have, uh, 31 knots sustained wind topside, gust of 40 [knots]."
:56 “Whoa, it splashed!"
:57 “Splashed!"
:58 “Mark bearing and range.”

This video Ranks 5 on our ranking system.
* Minimum 14 targets (estimate).
* Minimum 6ft in diameter - solid mass (estimate).
* Varying speeds from 40 kts - 138 kts (46 mph - 158 mph).
* Flight lasting longer than an hour.
* Unknowns were illuminated.
* Unable to discern origin, nor launch or landing points.
* Unknown vehicles picked up on more than two types of RADAR.
* Still images of this footage were included in the May 1st, 2020 UAPTF intelligence briefing that I have previously reported on.
* It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft appeared to be transmedium capable, and were observed descending into the water without destruction.
* It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft could not be found upon entry to the water - that a submarine was used in the search - and recovered nothing.
* This footage is unclassified.
* Craft remain officially - unidentified.
:05 "Took off, bookin' it."
:21 “Break, OMAHA, PINCKNEY, KIDD, RAFAEL PERALTA possibility to launch helo ASAP”.
:28 "If it splashes you get a bearing and range.”
:30 “Yes sir."
:32 "... keep going bro [inaudible]”
:33 [inaudible]
:36 "... it's windy as fuck out there."
:42 "... got a lotta white water out there. Six foot swells."
:43 "Whoa, it's getting close."
:50 "We have, uh, 31 knots sustained wind topside, gust of 40 [knots]."
:56 “Whoa, it splashed!"
:57 “Splashed!"
:58 “Mark bearing and range.”

This video Ranks 5 on our ranking system.